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We believe that fellowship among believers doesn’t have to be in one specific area, but “wherever two or three are gathered” in spirit and in truth for Christ said “he will be in the midst”(Matthew 18:20) should maintain an atmosphere of love and grace with a thorough spiritual understanding of Paul’s statement in Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” and therefore, we want to meet each individual where they are in their personal walk with Christ and Plant or Water the message of salvation in their hearts so that God will give increase to that person’s spiritual revelation of God, the Creator, and Christ, our Redeemer.


We believe that baptism unto repentance will lay the foundation for the infilling of the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit indwells us with the fruits and gifts of the spirit that leads and guides us into a life that desires to live according to God's plan, and the Indwelling and guidance of the Holy Spirit seals every individual unto salvation and the committment to live free from rebellion (sin).

We believe that understanding Romans 10:9-13 as it reads “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.  11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.”12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him.  13 For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” is the catalyst to understanding that we are all Justified by faith and saved by faith through grace.  


We believe that living a saved and sanctified life is a committed process of faith, obedience and surrendering of a person’s mind, body and soul to the Holy Spirit throughout their Christian walk. 


We believe that God will supply all of the needs of this ministry and therefore we are totally reliant on Him for growth, prosperity, and enlargement without question; for we are committed to “walk by faith, not by sight.”


Lastly, it is the overarching mandate of this ministry to inspire souls while removing the mask through the Word of God.”

Ministerial Services
Pastoral Counseling

Our Pastoral Counseling allows an individual or couple to be heard and listened to when life's problems are overarching in their lives.  We utilize biblical-based counseling where we believe the bible has relevant answers to life's everyday problems.  Each Counselor provides a three-week solution focus counseling, prayer, and scriptural process to help you understand the problem and how to apply biblical concepts that gain insight for a reasonable solution.  We also provide Mental Health Coaching and Suicide Prevention Counseling.

Young Adult Soul Care Mentoring

Our Young Adult Soul Care Ministry is unique as we provide mentoring, life coaching, and ministerial services to non-congregational people who are active believers in Jesus and are facing times when they are in need of Pastoral Soul Care service.  Each service is based on Christian beliefs and under the direction of both Old and New Testament teachings.  We provide spiritual counseling and young adult mentoring with life, mentoring, and self-reliance. We provide Hospital and Hospitality care, Wellness Checks, Premarital and Marital Counseling, Baptism, Infant Dedication, Last Rites, and other Pastoral services. 

Evangelism Ministry

Sharing without fear- We have a team of passionate people who enjoy sharing Jesus with others. We combine outreach and evangelism with helping reveal Christ as a provider and healer for those suffering in silence. It is God's will that no one should perish but come to repentance. Sharing that the answer is Christ plants a seed towards relationship. Please help us, help others. 

Messages of Faith, Hope, and Grace
Denise's Inspirational Melodies Blog
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Denise's Inspirational Melodies Blogsite was established to breathe life and joy into this site's viewers. The content of this blog site is faith-based and uplifting. I desire to share the love of Christ through my writings, books, videos, and testimony.

Everyone has a purpose and talent that needs cultivating after we are planted. We must look for avenues of hope and grace that will allow us to grow and become examples of God's original plan for our lives. Also, we should look for ways to plant the seed of love, hope, and faith in God.

Empowerment through writing

Our books and inspirational writings are our most excellent tools to help others. We are confident that every piece of writing material has an abundance of inspiration and antidotes to inspire, encourage, and strengthen the reader. Each book and material purchased helps fund the ministry and outreach. Most writing Purchases are for ministry and evangelism use only. Other writings can be purchased on Amazon. 

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Inspirational Podcast Discussions

Our Spotify for Podcasters aspires to build an audience who can view and feel a sense of home, family, and encouragement. We are focused on sharing positive and encouraging messages that give the listener and viewer a real and nonjudgmental perspective on life events and spirituality. Each week we incorporate discussions from a Christian worldview that applies life application to the Bible and other non-Biblical readings. Our mantra is:  "Inspiring souls while removing the mask through the Word of God." #grace #favor #salvation #faithoverfear #messageofhope

Walking with Denise – A Living Testimony of Courage and Faith is about one woman’s journey of living behind the mask while walking into her purpose. My purpose is to inspire, open somebody’s eyes, tell them about Jesus, and let them know He lives. They, too, may have the courage to believe and be inspired to walk into their destiny. Thank you for listening.

Denise's Inspirational Melodies are established to breathe life and joy into the viewers of this channel. The content of this channel is faith-based and uplifting. I desire to share the love of Christ through my writings, videos, and my testimony. My channel is open to all people who want to learn or experience more about Jesus. I ask that everyone that enters my channel be respectful and mindful of all comments and interactions. God bless you. Please enjoy my videos and subscribe.

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Audio and Paperback
Purchases online 

 Each book and material purchased helps fund the ministry and outreach. Most writing Purchases are for ministry and evangelism use only.  Purchases can also be made at the following link below. ACX provides a professionally narrated version of our books. Other writings can be purchased on Amazon. 

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Community Care Outreach Services

We are committed to making a difference because we are fortunate to be a blessing to others. Our outreach Ministry provides a "WE CARE" hygiene bag and a 10-dollar gift card from the neighborhood grocery store. The hygiene items include a toothbrush, toothpaste, washcloth, soap, feminine hygiene wipes, hair comb, socks, bottled water, Ramen noodles, nonperishable snacks, and an inspirational poem to let them know that WE CARE and GOD CARES AS WELL. 

We also provide outreach help to single parents, single women, men's mentoring, and senior home ministry visits.

reflections of
grace outreach
ministries inc.

P.O. Box 10242

Moreno Valley, CA 92553-9998

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